With a 45minute train ride ahead of me, I decided to swap the intermediate line over to a floating when I'm on it. Reached rendevous point at about 710am and was greeted by my mate and friends. It's just good fun getting to fish with other people...
A short cab ride saw us reach our destination without any dramas, followed by a 10 minute walk.
Upon reaching the river, it reminded me so much of a place in Singapore called Lorong Halus, where the first generation of fly fishermen there got into huge tarpons, herrings and barramundis...but sadly, that place was decimated by drift netting when I started to fly fish. Although this river suffered a similar fate, Tarpons were still around and that's enough for me.
We got to a section of the river where there was in inflatable weir and water was overflowing to the other side as the tide rose.... and Tarpons were rolling on the surface!! With no time to waste, the rod was rigged up and a Reuben Estuary Special found it's way to the tippet once more. There were fish rolling as close as 10-20ft in front that there was virtually no need to cast. After flicking the line out, I dragged the fly slowly through the water. It wasn't until the fly was almost out of the water that the fish decided to have a go at it, but failed to hookup. This happened a few times and I decided to use a jiggy retrieve and kept the fly near the surface.... it worked! A flash of silver in the water as a fish rolled for it and I set the hook without hesitation... it was on!! Though not very big, they still pulled reasonably well and lept out of the water like their larger American cousins. The next 30-45 minutes was just magic...there were no shortage of hits, just whether the hook found its mark or not. I landed about 7 or 8 and probably missed/dropped about 3 times as much.

And when the tide maxed out and started to recede, fun was over... we stuck around for another hour or so with no results and decided to move elsewhere.