hey all,
fishing seems to follow me every where. Even to work! The company that I work at organized a charity "fish off" to be held to day. i went for the short pre fish with most of the other competitors. the team consisted of 4 people. Henry, pete, myself and boss man ( i still don't know his name all I know is he can fire me and not even Henry can save my arse)
Due to the high volume of work, we opted not to fish the whole time allocated for the pre fish. Subsequently yours truly is stuck here at my desk with not much motivation to work. Henry is teaching the boss man how to fish (he never has in his life- he's a hunting guy).
so here are some posts of the morning's pre fish.
we saw a lot of surface action setting out at the pre dawn hours. needless to say every one started flogging and it was really difficult to even get a hook up. talk on my boat led to the usual 'wrong fly' pressuring the fish' 'they aren't interested' topics. This all reminded me of Justin's experience with the sambos. with this in mind, I loaded up a spinner with a metal slice and chucked it in. I was thinking that even if it wasn't the sambos I'd have a chance at whatever pelagic species lay down there.
Long story short, I hooked up with my first Australian salmon after about 5 odd casts and half hearted hits. It was really fun even though I was packing it in a little heavy with 14lb braid.
After landing and releasing the Sambo henry made the call to fish the heads as it looked like only luck will let you hit a fish.(they had been flogging the whole time to no avail.)
We fished to heads for about half an hour with not much luck. I hope things heat up during the comp hours. one fish just doesn't cut it. But I am really happy with my first Sambo.
(sorry , about no swell photos I was "busy") we do need a more committed camera person.

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