The Fly life

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

No Kings Yet, But Still Had Fun

Brendan has returned to Sydney after a month of 'living-the-dream' at Thailand, Singapore (and god knows where else :P) and was itching to get into some action. The weather was starting to warm up but water temps will still take some time. But we decided to head out anyway... cos it's the weekend!

The plan to try for some squid over at Clifton Gardens and then heading over to the Wedding Cake marker to see if the rats are ready to play. But alas, the sun was well and truly alive and bright when we got to clifton, meaning that the chances of us hitting a squid was pretty slim. But we tried anyway. We found a small school of squids (all less than 10cm in length) and tried for them nonetheless.... nope, still no squid. Reuben hooked a cuttie and thought that it was pretty 'fun' to let it 'reload' its ink-&-water concoction and then swinging it into the boat hoping to change our skin colour...Brendan then caught another cuttie and we thought it was time to find some rats. Off to the cake.

The tide maxed out and was gushing out of the harbour faster than the speed of sound (...okay, I'm exaggerating, but u get the point). Brendan rigged up a cuttie - which eventually decided to make the cake pylons its new home - while I hooked on some pillies I brought (as backup) for the trip. The pillie rig wasn't reaching the desired depth due to the strong currrent and a small splitshot was added to help it get down abit more. I casted it beside the cake, and it didn't take long for a willing customer to "thank your mother for the rabbits".... in another words, something took the bait. I was expecting to see a bream but was surprised to see a trevally come up... the water temp was still quite cool after all. The next 15 minutes saw me pull up another two trevors before it went quiet. We were starting to think about stopping over at Rose Bay for a feed but Reuben was determined to land something. He casted and let out a fair bit of line to let the current bring the bait out... it paid off and he boated a trevor. And now that everyone's happy, we headed over to Rose Bay.

Feeling ready for another round after lunch, we headed to an adjacent bay to have a bit of a mooch around the moorings. Reuben spotted a school of tailors feeding (smashing was more like it) on the surface. The birds were getting pretty excited too. We rigged up some plastics as fast as we could and were into the tailors. They were not big, but their aggressiveness made up for the fun.

It was time to bring out the fly rod. I tied on a small experimental baitfish pattern that was intended to be tested on the sambos and managed to hook one up. The fish started to ignore the fly and I switched over to a red-head bendback that was larger. I hooked another two and that was about it.

Reuben and Brendan was having a ball at the back, one on the fly rod and the other on a spin rod with a hard-bodied lure. They took turns on the fly rod and must've hooked more than 10 fish in a span of less than 40 minutes. Reuben's flies were gobbled down with no questions asked. We might have gotten a couple more if we stayed on but Reuben's "special fishing permit" from his other half had expired (for 3 hours :D) and he needs to return for 'sentencing'. We've had a good day and was happy to leave it at that.

Until next time, good fishing to you all!
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